Tuesday, January 13, 2009

OK... I messed this up....

Didn't realize my posts would go from the bottom up.

Please head down to the bottom and first read the post titled "January 12, 2009 -- 12 of 12".

Then scroll up to watch the story unfold....



And, just under the wire....

A photo of the plants I brought in from outside to protect them from the fierce Santa Anas we had tonight.


A photo of photos. Is that cheating?

This is a shot I took of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan last June (I love that building). I colorized it a bunch of different ways and made a little framed collage of it...


OK, this clock says it's almost 11:45, but it's running fast. I swear....


Just when I thought is was safe for me to wander the toy stores and gift shops.... Beanie Babies 2.0

(not kidding -- that's what they're calling them)


The other thing I should've done tonight -- worked out. Instead, Cali (the California cat, also known as the Cow Kitty), made the leg press her bed.


This is my new favorite snack. Yum. 'nuff said.


So right after the drum book photo, my camera's battery died. Hmmmm... So I turned to my trusty iPhone to finish the job.

This is a book I just got from Amazon that is taunting me to start reading (it will probably have to wait 'til the weekend, since I will want to spend all day working with it!).


What I should have been doing tonight was practicing the drums. Instead, here is a picture of one of my drum books.

I'm sure that's enough.


Meet Ms. Lacey. She's been with me the longest. She joined one other cat, named Cagney (yes, it was a tribute to the television show), about 14 years ago. Cagney has since moved on to the big cat playground in the sky, and Lacey reigns over the kingdom. Lacey loves her some leather, and has destroyed numerous (expensive) purses of mine....


This here is Bogie -- he looks like a Maine Coon, but he's just a big boy. Loves sitting on top of the "cat tree" (I had to put production sandbags on the base because he kept knocking it over (all five feet of it) in his zealousness to be on top!


And this is Jack -- he's a Shepherd/ Husky/ Lab mix. Sweetest dog ever. He is getting on in years and is now deaf. Kinda frightening when he sleeps like this and doesn't wake up when you call his name....


This is Madison, the Chow/Terrier mix (plus a bunch of other doggie types, I'm sure of it -- Beagle, Boxer, Bitch). It is late, so all the animals are sleeping...

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009 -- 11:06pm

Just got the prompt (thanks, Bonnie Gillespie) to participate in "12 of 12" for 2009. This is a truly fascinating project created by Chad Darnell, who I'm just starting to learn more about.

Anyway, I picked up the camera at 11:06pm, so I didn't have much time to find 12 photos to take. Luckily, I have a lot of pets -- you'll see most of them here...