Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 12, 2009 - 12

This is the damage done to my new chair. The leg has been snapped off, and the wood on the bottom is completely destroyed.

Trying not to curse out the universe....


  1. Ugh! That ... really sucks.

    I too wish that I could enjoy life the way that my dog does. (I'm particularly envious of the way that she stretches out her whole body. It looks so satisfying!)

    Nice 12 ::)

  2. What great pix. I love the photo of Becka!

  3. Wait, why put all the photos in an individual post? Isn't that a load more work for you? :-( Just bung 'em all in one post, much quicker! (and when you're done, click the title of the post, which then loads the post on its own page - *that* is the link you post on Chad's Blog, it's called the Permalink. The one that will take you directly to that post. The reason Chad asks for that is because then when people come to your post late (like me on this occasion, or even Scooter), we are taken straight to the 12 of 12 entry. If you post only the basic Blog URL, when we come to look, we see all the posts you've made in the meantime, so have to scroll down the page to find the 12 of 12. Did that make sense?)

    Becka is a stunning cat - very regal! And I hope you get back into your drums soon - sometimes we need a break though, to get us refreshed, don't we? Good luck with it all, and see you next month! [hug]

    Sorry I'm so behind on commenting - been a very busy time with lots of travel! Even my 12 of 12 was only up on the 15th!
